
Planning Barbie's Wedding Wasn't This Stressful!

By Ciara Daykin

The more you dive into planning your perfect wedding the faster and faster time seems to be flying by. Before you know it you'll be making your grand entrance and then at the blink of an eye the wedding cake will be merely a pile of crumbs on your plate, and the shoes you shopped painstakingly for will be tossed in a box.

Your wedding day is THE DAY that means so much to you. You have so many emotions surrounding this event... love, excitement, joy, jitters, elation. Are you confused? Feeling overwhelmed?

Bridal Blues

Brides often experience post wedding blues. It's hard to explain the feeling but it definitely comes. I know I got it after my wedding was over. But it didn't mean I wasn't absolutely thrilled to be married, I was just sad because my wedding was over (and as you probably know by now, I really love weddings). The day you imagined for so long, and spent at least the last year of your life planning is all of a sudden OVER. Now your other girlfriends are celebrating their engagements and you're not "the bride" anymore. The droves of friends and family that were suffocating you all went home and it's finally just you and your new husband. But you keep reflecting on your wedding, was it what you had hoped it to be? Did your details dazzle??

Getting married is a BIG DEAL! Don't let anyone tell you it's not. Regardless of whether or not you and your honey have lived together, getting married is a big life change for any woman. Hence the reason we all feel the need to throw a lavish party. You need to celebrate this life change!


Sheryl Paul is a bridal counselor (who knew there was such a thing!) and the author of
The Conscious Bride. Sheryl sums it up best when she says:

" has become something of a taboo in our culture to utter the words "grief" and "wedding" in the same breath. Yet how could grief and fear not be a part of this transition?! We have the bride and groom letting go of their singlehood and stepping into one of the biggest commitments of their lives; we have the mothers of the bride and groom letting go of their "little ones" and possibly facing their own disappointments about their wedding or marriage; and we have girlfriends freaking out about panty hose color when really they're scared about losing, at least temporarily, their lifelong friend. In short, a wedding, as the rite of passage that it is, involves a loss and a gain, a death and a birth, an ending and a beginning."

This book is a must read for all brides to be. It will really help you to understand that you are going through a big life change and that everyone around you is affected by your transition as well. This book will give you a lot of perspective and you'll finally realize why the little things, like the perfect shade of red for your bridesmaid dresses, are so darn important to you!

Bridal Advice:

Pick up a book that is going to nurture your bridal heart. It doesn't have to be this book, although I really do recommend it. As an expert wedding planner, the most important part of my job is helping my clients plan each detail of their wedding so that the climax of their emotional journey is truly the celebration that they deserve it to be.

Love and Bridal Bliss,

Ciara Daykin

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Ciara Daykin is Calgary's premiere Wedding Choreographer. Brides wanting a dazzling, dashing, dream-filled wedding turn to Ciara for all their wedding planning needs. Ciara is a proud member of the Association of Bridal Consultants.
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